March 27, 2025
Home / Mental / TOP 7 Ways To Completely Eliminate Fluoride Intake

TOP 7 Ways To Completely Eliminate Fluoride Intake

When people think about fluoride, they usually think of water, but the truth is fluoride is found in much more than just water. To truly rid your body of fluoride is not hard, but it will take some adjusting in your everyday life. Highly concentrated amounts of fluoride are not only found in your tap water, but also in your toothpaste, food and even some pharmaceutical drugs. Below we will discuss the best practices to completely eliminate fluoride intake and even how to start reversing the negative effects it has taken on your body.

Click here to read my personal journey with water and fluoride

Before you get started, check out this Top 3 Ways to Eliminate Fluoride infographic:

eliminate fluoride water and toothpaste

1. Water

When it comes to fluoride, water is the main source. Over 70% of drinking water in the US is fluoridated and even though many take action to filter their drinking water, they still cook and shower in it and still consume fluoride. Also, over 75% of fluoride consumption comes from water and beverages such as soft drinks and fruit juices, so eliminating fluoride from your water is a vital step in completely eliminating it from your body. It is important to your health to eliminate as much fluoride intake as possible, in order for your body to not take any further damage and to allow the healing process to begin.


Drinking Water

fluoride in tap waterTo rid fluoride from your drinking water is very simple. All you have to do is make sure your water is filtered with Reverse Osmosis. This is a filtering process in which everything is removed from the water, leaving it at 0 PPM(parts per million). Some argue that this water is “empty water” and doesn’t contain any nutritional value, but you can easily add the wanted minerals back with something like ACV or take a multivitamin. Not only does it rid your water of fluoride, but also of other unwanted metals that aid in the development of disease.

If you have a filter at home, make sure it uses Reverse Osmosis technology. Common Filters like Brita and Pur do NOT remove fluoride and are likely to develop bacteria and mold if you don’t clean or change filters often enough. Your best bet for an at home filter is an under sink Reverse Osmosis filter. There are even under sink RO filters that add minerals back or add alkaline.

If you don’t want to get a filter for your sink, you can always just buy 5 gallon jugs of reverse osmosis water from your local water store or even grocery store, just make sure that the water is Reverse Osmosis!

Click here to view our recommended Reverse Osmosis Filters

Spring and Distilled Water

Some say that spring and distilled water are safe, but this is not always the case. Spring water is generally taken from it’s natural water source and bottled. The problem with this is it is likely to contain fluoride and other unwanted metals like aluminum (airplanes leave trails of aluminum in the sky, which then gets in our natural water sources). I don’t want to claim that all spring water contains unwanted particles, but you should always check to be sure. You can do this by calling the number on your bottled water and asking for a water quality report and make sure to ask what the water’s fluoride measures at. If it has any fluoride at all, you are best off drinking Reverse Osmosis filtered water and adding back the minerals found in natural spring water.

Distilled water is water that has many of it’s impurities removed by boiling the water and then condensing the steam into a clean container. Although this does remove any particles in the water, it is still debated whether or not distillation removed chlorine and chloramine. Distilled water is also said to not be healthy for drinking long term and is acidic, which is bad for your body and aids in the development of disease.

2. Shower Water

Fluoride Shower WaterWhen you take a shower, your pores open from the hot water and absorb water like a sponge.  Afterall, your skin is the largest organ of your body and studies have shown that the skin absorbed an average of 64% of total contaminant of chemicals and metals in drinking water.  Depending on how hot the water is, you can absorb more chlorine and fluoride in a 10 minute shower than you would get from drinking 8 glasses of the same water.

So how do you filter your shower water?

It definitely is not as easy to filter shower water as it is drinking water, but that doesn’t mean you should totally dismiss it. The known methods of filtering your shower water are getting an entire house Reverse Osmosis system or use your own filtered water to shower with. You will see shower heads being sold claiming to filter chlorine and fluoride, but it really isn’t possible to filter shower water on the spot, as proper filtering takes time and can’t keep up with the water flow rate of a shower.

If your family’s health is important to you, then you should consider getting an entire house reverse osmosis system installed. Alternatively, you can do your best to reduce how much you absorb by taking shorter showers and not using hot water to prevent your pores from being more absorbent. We understand how difficult the shower changes can be, but it is a vital part of eliminating fluoride from your body.

3. Cooking & Coffee/tea Water

Many people I know that filter their drinking water still use tap water to cook and make drinks with. If you use tap water to boil or cook foods with, your food is absorbing that water, as well as particles in that water. Fortunately filtering your cooking water is just as easy as filtering your drinking water, in fact you can kill 2 birds with 1 stone by purchasing an undersink Reverse Osmosis filter. These only run about $200 and you just need to replace the filters every 6 months. They are very easy to install and ensures that all your drinking, cooking and coffee/tea water are filtered of unwanted particles and metals.

Your food and drinks will also taste better 🙂


4. Toothpaste and Dentist

The next major source of fluoride is your toothpaste and dentist visits! Nearly all toothpaste now contains a high amount of fluoride, claiming that it helps prevent cavities. It is now well known that vitamin D in fact helps prevent cavities much more than fluoride and there is endless evidence that shows fluoride doesn’t stop cavities.

You will actually find that it is difficult to find toothpaste without fluoride and the only kind of fluoride free toothpaste I have found in major stores is Tom’s Fluoride Free Toothpaste, but you can find better alternatives online such as Nature’s Gate Natural Toothpaste, Jason Natural Toothpaste, Botanique Toothpaste and Dr. Bronner’s Toothpaste.

Even colgate admits that consuming too much fluoride is poisonous. Quoted from colgate’s site: “When too much fluoride is taken in, it can lead to dental fluorosis, as detailed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This particular condition causes discoloration or pitting on the teeth. It may appear as brown spots, scattered white specks or white spots. The teeth may even feel rough.” They recommend children age 2 and under should use fluoride free toothpaste incase they swallow it, but your mouth still absorbs fluoride through your toothpaste and remains are left on your teeth, so I would personally recommend going with a fluoride free toothpaste no matter what age.

fluoride free toothpaste

5. Dentist Visits

Next time you go to your dentist, be sure to ask them if any of their treatment contains fluoride. Many dentists will recommend a fluoride gel treatment, in which you clamp down on highly concentrated fluoride gel for over 4 minutes. Because of this gel being highly acidic, your saliva glands will produce a large amount of saliva that inevitably absorbs high amount of fluoride back into your system. Short term this causes nausea and in some cases vomiting and will spike fluoride levels in the blood. Next time you visit your dentist, be clear that you don’t want any treatment involving fluoride!

6. Food and Beverages

Avoid Processed Foods & BeveragesA general rule of thumb is if the food or drink is made with water that is fluoridated, then the food will have fluoride as well. Although food will have fluoride, it is generally a smaller amount than you will find in beverages. It is also very important not to boil your food, make coffee or tea with fluoridated water. Foods like noodles, vegetables, potatoes, and anything else that is very absorbent will soak up the water, along with anything in the water. To solve this problem, simply cook with Reverse Osmosis filtered water like we discussed above.

More important to avoid than food, is processed beverages like soda, juices and practically anything else you can buy that is made with water. To check if your beverage has fluoride, you can call the beverage company and ask if the water they use is Reverse Osmosis filtered. If yes, then you can safely assume the drink doesn’t contain fluoride.

7. Eat Organic, Non Processed

Processed foods average much higher fluoride levels than organic and fresh foods and also contains many other unhealthy chemicals to preserve the food. Gradually switching to healthier, fresher foods, will greatly lower your fluoride intake.

Check out this guide on avoiding fluoride foods and beverages.

Reverse Fluoride Damage to Your Body

Now that you know how to eliminate fluoride intake, you can speed up the process that your body heals and rids itself of fluoride and other impurities by doing the following things:

Eat Turmeric and Organic Vegetables

Reverse Fluoride Damage with Turmeric

Studies have shown that Turmeric produces powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits that protect against multiple forms of cell damage. Turmeric has also been found to spark the production of glutathione, which has shown to play a primary role in protecting the body against oxidative stress. Lab tests proved that turmeric protects the brain against damage from fluoride and other metals. Not only that, but tests showed to reverse the negative effects of fluoride, when turmeric was added to daily diet.

Turmeric is a tasty spice that is commonly found in asian and indian cuisine. I personally like to add it to soups and rice. Click here to check out our recommended organic turmeric supplement pills.

Drink lots of fluoride free water

Drink Fluoride-Free Water!Drinking lots of fluoride free water will help your body remove itself of impurities and will give you more energy and overtime improve your overall health. It is recommended that the average man drink 3.7 liters (or 15 cups) and 2.7 liters average for women (or 11 cups). Start replacing processed beverages and sodas with clean water and your entire life will change!


It is no secret that daily exercise will improve your overall health. Try to get an average of 1 hour of exercise/cardio per day to remove impurities. You can also try sitting in a sauna to sweat out more impurities.


Meditation won’t directly reverse the effects of fluoride, but it will help you clear your mind and stay focused to stay away from fluoride products and improve your overall life. Many people enjoy meditating in the morning for 15-60 minutes. There are many free apps that you can get to guide you through meditation.

If you would like to learn more about fluoride, check out these videos

I hope you found this article useful and I wish you luck in your journey to ridding your body of the poisonous fluoride and maybe even improve your overall health in the process. Please comment below if you have something to add or have any questions. If you would like to be notified about other useful articles like this one as they are published, please subscribe to our email list and follow our social pages.



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